
About kasahorow

The kasahorow Foundation is a Ghana-based non-governmental, not-for-profit organization (Reg. No. G38-318).

kasahorow DE gGmbH is a German-based non-profit limited liability corporation (HRB 725406).

kasahorow US LC is a US-based limited liability corporation.

kasahorow US LC licenses and commercializes technology developed by kasahorow DE gGmbH.

kasahorow Foundation administers our Ghana-based Creating Safety program with funding from kasahorow DE gGmbH.


Our mission is to promote inclusion through languages.


We look forward to the day when everyone understands the people around them in the emotional language of each person.

How We Work

We help people to connect with each other emotionally.

We have made languages our primary focus by assigning kasahorow Trustees to look after languages on each continent. Originally, our focus was only on African languages, however we have expanded our mission to every language our users request. We currently have Trustees appointed to Africa, Asia and Europe.


The kasahorow logo is made up of the word "kasahorow" and a stylized fullstop. The stylized fullstop is an Adinkra symbol. The symbol means "Nyi a É” nnyim no sua a, É” hu" [If one who does not know learns, they know]. We believe a person can be known if we are willing to learn about them. We believe knowing someone is the ultimate pursuit of knowledge. We promote the pursuit of this knowledge in every language.


kasahorow was first incubated by The GhanaThink Foundation in July 2005. We first built keyboards and other digital input tools. In 2011 we started making bilingual dictionaries on the request of one of our users. In 2023 we started commercializing our work to support our mission for the long term.

Contact Us

If you are interested in using kasahorow to develop a language, send us email with the name of the language:

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