kasahorow Foundation

September 2023 Quarterly Report

Kyeame, date(2023-10-18)-date(2024-12-9)

What have we been doing?

This quarter, we have continued to work on improving the quality of our dictionaries. This has meant a lot of behind-the-scenes work changing the format and content of our dictionaries for sale on Amazon. We are focusing on updating and republishing our main children’s dictionaries and our learner dictionaries first. Once we are confident in these titles, we will look to once again expand our offering.

Amazon Book Sales

July - Sept 2023    July-Sept 2022    % Growth
456 986 -53,75%

After unpublishing a large number of titles, our year-on-year comparison shows a 53,75% decline in book sales. With an intensified focus on the quality of a smaller set of books, we are hoping to see steady growth in our sales as we move forward.

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